We are currently recruiting for reclears and future tiers. All applications are considered! Please apply at: forms.gle/N7nbd6zwFdCtT6Qh8
Revel is a 2-day raiding guild on Draenor. Our raid consists of likeminded players, aiming to consistantly improve and progress as a team. We expect a high degree of preparation from every player to ensure that our 8 hours of raid per week are spent efficiently.
For 10.2, our first goal was to reach a WR around 500, which we met by finishing Amirdrassil at WR 430. We are planning to reclear Amirdrassil and also raid in Season 4 of Dragonflight to build a strong team for The War Within.
Raid times (in server time):
In the first two weeks of a new tier, an extra raid day is added to speed up gearing and progression.
Discord: rosen1105
Revel joue 2 fois par semaine pour un total de 8 heures.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mer | 18:30 | 4 heures |
Dim | 18:30 | 4 heures |
Aucun rapport assez récent n'a pu être trouvé pour générer une composition.
Aucun classement n'est disponible à afficher.
Revel ne recrute pas pour le moment.
Raids, Donjons, Social
Pour quelles activités Revel recrute-t-il?
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Revel?