Vigil is done raiding. Thank to everyone who ever raided here or supported the guild.
Vigil was a semi-hardcore Alliance raiding guild on Sargeras-US who achieved Hall of Fame Alliance in Uldir / Battle of Dazar'alor / Crucible of Storms / The Eternal Palace / Castle Nathria / Sanctum of Domination on 12 hours a week with 0 added extra raid time. Established in December 2014, the guild was founded by three friends who met in a raiding guild during The Burning Crusade. Over the years, we grew to be one of the most progressed and respected raiding guilds on Sargeras.
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Vigil ne recrute pas pour le moment.
Pour quelles activités Vigil recrute-t-il?
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Vigil?