Peak Performance Project on Kazzak EU is a young guild, founded in 2019 during Eternal Palace. We are a semi-hardcore guild, that wants to progress as far as possible during every tier. Raid days are thursdays and sundays + 1 extra days when we are close to a kill 20:30-23:30.
-----------------------current situation-------------------------------------- Sanctum of Domination: 1/10M 9/10Hc Eternal Palace: 3/8M Nya: 11/12M CN 6/10M
We are a group of adult people with a desire for progression and improvement during raid nights. The rest of the week we are social and doing content together. You could always contact us in game aswell, if you're just looking to join as a social member.
Contact: Benerg#2451 Pepe#24485 Revereles#2195
If you want to apply, send an application via:
Les informations de contact doivent être définies
Aucun horaire n'a été défini.
Aucun rapport assez récent n'a pu être trouvé pour générer une composition.
Aucun classement n'est disponible à afficher.
Peak Performance Project recrute!
N'importe quel
Pour quelles activités Peak Performance Project recrute-t-il?
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Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Peak Performance Project?