Our Mythic group is New and competitive, looking to push Cutting Edge as quickly as we can in each tier. We are always interested in players who strive to do their best and know there’s always room for improvement. We will consider anyone who has a good attitude and is a team player that is committed and driven to get CE. Castle Nathria was our first raid tier and we will strive to be better in each tier.
Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30pm-11:30pm EST is our normal schedule for 9.1. We will potentially add days if need be. If you are interested please reach out to any of the three contacts below.
Contact Info
Okatdh, Recruitment Officer
Okatdh,Bcrushed#1993 - Bnet
Okatdh, Oops#8884 - Discord
Kswan, Guild Leader
Kswan#1723 - Battletag
Kaswaney#6646 - Discord
We welcome applications from all classes. Guild application below.
For more information please add one of our battle tags/discords or drop an application in!
We sell Heroic/Mythic/M+ and much more for GOLD ONLY! Please contact any of our officers for more information or to schedule a run.
Les informations de contact doivent être définies
The Barnyard joue 2 fois par semaine pour un total de 6 heures.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mer | 00:30 | 3 heures |
Jeu | 00:30 | 3 heures |
Aucun rapport assez récent n'a pu être trouvé pour générer une composition.
Chargement des données...
The Barnyard ne recrute pas pour le moment.
Pour quelles activités The Barnyard recrute-t-il?
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans The Barnyard?