is a Horde guild on Draenor EU, We are a raiding guild working towards our goal of Cutting Edge in the upcoming tiers.
Progressing every tier from a small guild of friends, Currently 4/11M 11/11HC in Sepulcher,
Previously on Ravencrest Alliance, we managed: SoD: (Transition from Alliance to Horde) 4/10M Castle Nathria: 7/10M Ny'alotha: 11/12M
Our Progression Raid nights are Thursday & Sunday 20:00-23:00, Wednesday is optional for HC runs with the aim to finish any tier pieces. 20:00-23:00 (usually earlier finish)
Please if you are from another server or alliance feel free to apply with cross faction and cross realm mythic opening up 1st of June, opens up trial spots across realms/factions! Any good players considered.
We have other events going on in our Discord consistently.
Going forward all we require from you is turning up on the night, if not you must pre-warn us, this is what eventually stalled our progression in the last two tiers.
We also request that you keep up to date with your gear, prepare yourself before raids with videos, suggestions are always listened to. There is plenty always going on in the guild with our social sides as well from achievement runs to alt raids.
We are incredibly laid back but with a keen aim to improve our raiding team.
Please fill out: if interested.
We will respond ASAP
Les informations de contact doivent être définies
Abandoned joue 2 fois par semaine pour un total de 6 heures.
Day | Start | Duration |
Jeu | 20:00 | 3 heures |
Dim | 20:00 | 3 heures |
Abandoned ne recrute pas pour le moment.
Raids, Donjons, Social
Pour quelles activités Abandoned recrute-t-il?
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Abandoned?