Welcome to Catastrophic Endgame I have been told from people that leave other guilds that we are more laid back and have a chill environment that lets people make new friends and have fun even through the dreaded droughts of wow. We do push mythic raid but, casually with fun I was told last night that we are chill but, still get shit done and hit our goals.
SOMEWHAT SERIOUS. KINDA INAPPROPRIATE. We’re here to down bosses, beat parses, and make penis jokes along the way. We currently run two teams: Catastrophic Group1(Prog/Heroic) and Endgame Group 2 (Casual/Normal). Group 1 later transitions into our Apocalypse grp for mythic raiding prog. Reports should be categorized by these team names or you can select the dropdown. Here is a little about the leaders in the guild.
Hello, I’m the guild leader of Catastrophic Endgame the guild was created just before Dragonflight xpac launched. I have been playing this awesome game since vanilla beta and know a lot of the lore. I work overnights at a hospital in Minnesota as a global security dispatch officer. I have every class at lvl 70 and play them at different times just to know each class inside and out. I am also the raid leader for the guilds grp 1 prog for heroic and mythic. I am on at random times in the early morning and most of my days off. I am on discord 24/7 if I’m not sleeping and always available to answer any questions. I look forward to playing with all of you.
What's good, I'm Chubb and I'm one the Officers in this Amazing Guild. Not only am I the Mascot for CE, I also help with leveling players, running and helping with mythic keys, chasing old content for transmogs, etc. I don't have a lot of professions maxed, but i do have leatherworking up, if anyone needs.
Wynnie(Munch) — Hey there! I'm Wynnie, one of the HR officers. I'm a hunter main and have been playing since Dec '22. I play strictly PVE content and am part of both raid teams. I'm always willing to help in what ways I can manage. Hit me up if you need anything or even to chat. Hi team! I’m Conejomalo— I’m the officer currently running RBGs. I’m a Marine Corps Vet, and love to jump on chat and join random events when the group needs it. Most of all I enjoy and love PVP. So if you have questions. I’m your guy!
Rem (Mike) — Hey all! I'm RemZero, another of the guild's liaisons. I'm an Air Force (wasn't into eating crayons enough to join the Marines
Catastrophic Endgame joue 2 fois par semaine pour un total de 6 heures.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mar | 01:00 | 3 heures |
Mer | 01:00 | 3 heures |
Ces données sont basées sur les rapports récents de Catastrophic Endgame.
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Catastrophic Endgame ne recrute pas pour le moment.
Raids, Donjons, JcJ
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Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Catastrophic Endgame?