E.V. is a friendly (family feeling) orientated guild. We are based on the Alliance side of Magtheridon-EU, but Horde players are also very welcome to join. We are looking to expand our raiding / M+ team. We would like to have people with good attitudes and being friendly, because it’s still a game.
We usually raid on Wednesdays and Saturdays, but we understand that everyone has commitments outside of the game, if you can’t participate for a reason or another, it’s okay. However we encourage joining at least a few raids per month, if possible. If there is enough players, we can change or even expand the raid times.
We are currently working our way up to Mythic, running Heroic at the moment, our goal is to have a dedicated Raid Team, made only of guilds member
If you are looking for a guild to raid in, do M+, grow, do other content and have a nice time then we more than ever welcome you.
You can apply here. If you don't want to fill in the document then you can always contact the people below if you have questions.
Asthriona (Guild Leader) = DC: asthriona
Eleodoro (Recruitment / Raid Leader) = Bnet: Eleodoro#21513 — DC: eleodoro.94
Wednesday: 21h - 24h server time
Saturday: 21h - 24h server time
Every raid comes with a 15 minute break in the middle, we’re not animals who don't let people take a break. 3h raiding is not short.
Asthriona (Guild Leader) = DC: asthriona // Eleodoro (Recruitment / Raid Leader) = Bnet: Eleodoro#21513 — DC: eleodoro.94
Eternal Vengeance joue 2 fois par semaine pour un total de 6 heures.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mer | 20:00 | 3 heures |
Sam | 20:00 | 3 heures |
Eternal Vengeance recrute!
Raids, Donjons, Social
Pour quelles activités Eternal Vengeance recrute-t-il?
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Eternal Vengeance?