Hello, thank you for your interest in Badger Stone Keep. We are currently looking to recruit any and all skilled players of any spec and class to fill out our S2 TWW Raid Progression and Mythic Plus Dungeon teams.
Our schedule is the following: -For S2 Raid Progression, we will be having Raid nights on Wed/Thurs starting at 6pmMTN/8pmEST with a backup night of Sun. Aiming for ~4 hours a night. -For S2 M+ Dungeon Progression, we will be having Mythic Nights be Friday and Sat. Times: TBD
We also support our members in playing the game they want to play be it doing M+, Raids, PVP, Farming, Achievement Hunting, Leveling Alt Nights, etc.
Many in the guild are affiliated in some way with the Military or Veterans, but Friends and Family along with Fire / EMS / Police are also welcome. Language can be expressive and special. NO DRAMA LLAMAS!
We have a Discord that we are very active in and use primarily as a means for communication/planning. Please reach out to our Guild Master on Discord if you are interested in joining. @fyrekittah#2100
Guild Master- on Discord: FyreKittah#2100
Badger Stone Keep joue 3 fois par semaine pour un total de 12 heures.
Day | Start | Duration |
Lun | 00:00 | 4 heures |
Jeu | 00:00 | 4 heures |
Ven | 00:00 | 4 heures |
Badger Stone Keep recrute!
Donjons, Raids, JcJ
Pour quelles activités Badger Stone Keep recrute-t-il?
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Badger Stone Keep?